Single And Alone For The Holidays? 6 Strategies For Surviving And Even Thriving The Holidays Alone

If you’re in early recovery, your task is not unlike someone without substance use disorder. The idea of “being” rather than “doing” is more challenging for people in recovery than other populations.

  • I continued to participate in alcohol-free groups and communities where the populations grew during the clutches of COVID.
  • Plan for moments where you can be present and mindful of what you are doing.
  • Designate at least one support person to confide in and keep you company.
  • Thinking through potential situations that could possibly lead to alcohol or drug use will help you prepare for the unplanned and unexpected.

Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Check out these optimistic but realistic affirmations or the Intuitive Eater’s Holiday Bill of Rights for inspiration. Establishing clear boundaries for yourself is helpful so that when a triggering topic or comment comes up, you don’t have to make a decision in the moment about whether it’s okay with you or not.

Holiday parties and events

Feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed during the holiday season isn’t uncommon, but your recovery can be seriously affected if you don’t do anything about it. Sobriety has to be your top priority regardless of what’s going on around you, so don’t feel like you’ve failed if you need additional support. The holidays are busy, so sometimes it can be difficult to make time for daily meditation, journaling, AA meetings, exercising, and other things that keep you grounded in your recovery.

  • It’s how we used to get warmed up, a couple of drinks over the fire.
  • If you or a loved one is struggling with drugs or alcohol, call Recovery Centers of America at RECOVERY.
  • Conversations during the holidays can also be triggering .
  • This might happen if you restrict food after the meal, too.
  • Holiday invitations and parties include spouses and guests and attending alone can feel lonely.

The shorter days can alter your normal waking and sleeping cycles, throwing off your regular routines. Educate your client about boundaries and practice defining healthy boundaries in their relationships. For when they over-extend themselves or do too much for others, they often compromise themselves and their recovery needs. Setting healthy boundaries and maintaining a balanced lifestyle are important components of long term recovery. It’s okay to be honest with family about your struggle with addiction and to open up about your recovery and treatment experience if you want to.

How reflecting on their “why” will help teachers recover and re-engage these festive holidays: A guide with headspace Schools

As a comprehensive behavioral health facility, Casa Palmera understands that drug and alcohol addiction and trauma are not only physically exhausting, but also cause a breakdown in mental and spiritual sense. What makes Casa Palmera distinct reframing holidays in early recovery from other treatment facilities is our desire to not only heal the body, but also aiming to heal the mind and spirit. At Nova Recovery Center, we provide individualized drug and alcohol rehab Austin for men, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Is Coffee good for muscle recovery?

It helps your muscles recover. According to the American Physiological Society, post-workout caffeine can aid in muscle recovery if consumed with carbs. That's because it helps bring glucose from your blood and into your muscles, therefore replenishing your stores, in as little as four hours.

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